Member Orientation

Partnership Development course

Attending a Partnership Development Workshop equips participants with knowledge, skills and resources to build a team of financial and prayer partners.  Topics include communication, organisation, biblical basis and speaking skills, all with the goal of enabling you to realise God’s call into mission.

Ready, Set … Thrive!

Dynamics of cross-cultural living exacts forces of pressure on ex-pats that can affect one’s ability to thrive. Equipping mission workers well takes high priority at Wycliffe Australia. Course topics; communication skills, spiritual vitality, adaptation and living in community introduce disciplines that enable workers to be proactively engaged in healthy ministry practices.

World Wide Wycliffe

This workshop introduces the world of Wycliffe, SIL and Wycliffe Global Alliance while exploring the history of Bible translation, new trends in the range of ministries within the scope of Bible translation as well as beginning to look at working in cross-cultural teams and personal resilience.


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...