
The Journey

The Journey Program that Wycliffe offers is normally a day long simulation (5 to 6 hours) giving a taste of what a cross-cultural workers may experience.  It is generally run for, and through, a local church involving a number of groups of participants passing through the various stations of the journey.

The Journey begins with participants in their Comfort Zone, being inspired by God’s Call, and having that call confirmed by their Local Church. They join the Great Commission Agency and start their Bible Training to grasp the importance of Scripture in their own life and in missions. Then they continue on to Language & Culture Training to learn how to begin to understand and appreciate a different ethnic group. They experience the challenges of applying for Passports and Visas while Raising Support before being Commissioned to go. Now they are ready to Travel to the country and begin their journey with Immigration to their host country. They experience the sights, sounds and tastes of a Foreign Culture and Language as they interact with this community. The Journey concludes with a Debrief from experienced missionaries, then the participants are challenged to do something for their Next Step to help grow their vision for world missions.

The Journey aims to give participants a different perspective of missions, providing:

  • a deeper understanding of the ‘need’ for world missions (God’s heart for the lost)
  • understanding their own calling to be involved in some way: (give, go, pray, advocate)
  • better understanding of the role of the local church and mission agency in world missions (complimentary, not competition)
  • recognising the need for good training and preparation, whether they go overseas or not
  • a good encounter with people from a different language/culture than their own that will encourage them to build relationships with people of other cultures
  • giving opportunities to continue to grow and experience in world missions (Next Step Opportunities).

If you would like more information about The Journey, or would like to discuss hosting The Journey, please contact The Journey national coordinator, Robert Love.


All events  Celebration of Bible Translation  Connect with Wycliffe  Encounter Culture  Explore Language  Gospel Dramas  M.A.D. (Ministry, Adventure, Discovery)  Member Orientation  Mission Possible  Prayer meetings  Short-term trips  Special Events  Story the Bible  The Jonah Drama  The Journey  

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...