Languages: 110 including many indigenous languages and the trade languages of Bislama, English and French
Population: 338,400+ across 83 islands
Location: 1,750km east of Australia
Literacy Rate: 89%
Largest religion: Christianity
Fun Facts: Espiritu Santo is the largest island in Vanuatu and is the Spanish term for ‘Holy Spirit’. The name Vanuatu means ‘Our land forever’ in many of its indigenous languages. In the preamble to the constitution, there is the assertion ‘Long God yumi stanap’ – we trust in God.
Vanuatu is a highly multilingual country, with lots of small language communities. People often question whether Bible translation work is really needed for these communities. Recently this question was answered by a chief we were interviewing during a survey trip. The chief said that their community would really like to see Bible translation done. The chief felt that if the Bible was in his language it would be like God himself was now speaking his language. And if God spoke his language that would mean that he was from that place and could really be his ‘Papa’, and not a foreign God.
Bible translation needs:
20 languages have New Testaments (5 done in the early 1900’s, others mostly done in the last 10 years)
9 language communities have active translation projects
5 languages have revision work happening 5 languages have full Bibles (2 were done in 1879 and 1928)
over 50 language communities are waiting for Scripture translation to begin!
Wycliffe Australia Members in Vanuatu
Paul and Nicola Mangohig
We’re going to be involved with translation, Scripture engagement, training the translators, transport and there are a few new things we’re also trialling.
– Paul and Nicola Mangohig
Jared & Bethany Killey
When we arrived, we were welcomed by the chiefs of the village. We were the first visitors who had come in quite some time so it was really special to them. Depending on the time of day, there are several different greetings that I would get wrong every time! We mostly spoke in Bislama but when we were at the village we tried using some of their own language and their faces would light up! ‘You’re speaking my language!’ They realised that if we cared about them enough to travel there, God must also care about them.
– Bethany Killey
Opportunities to Serve
The SIL Vanuatu Centre is looking for an Operations Manager. This role involves the following:
overseeing the maintenance and upkeep of 10 housing units, office and grounds and oversight of two local grounds-keepers and possibly also guest-house worker
arranging insurance and maintenance of vehicles and other equipment
obtaining and renewing members’ work permits and residence permits
supporting teams with purchasing and shipping of items to their island locations
supporting the SIL Vanuatu administrative and language teams with other operational items as needed.
The ‘Trenem Tingting Kos’ (TTK ‘Train Your Mind Course’) was established by Wycliffe Australia members Ross and Lyndal Webb in 2011. SIL Vanuatu facilitates the course which is designed to equip those involved in Bible translation and local church and community leadership with critical thinking skills that can be applied to Bible reading, analysis of cultural practices, and other daily life situations.
Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...