Moodle Training

The online training platform Moodle was first developed 25 years ago by an Australian who did his early schooling remotely with ‘School of the Air.’ He experienced the need for better resources for on-the-go training and applied himself to a solution. The Moodle platform has now spread across the world to 242 countries, allowing organisations and individuals to offer formal and informal training. For Wycliffe Australia and our partners in Asia, it is now being used to support ‘just-in-time’ informal learning. Courses are providing new members with basic orientation to Wycliffe. Subjects such as project management, team building, dictionary making, Scripture engagement, basic translation principles, and even bushfire orientation at our National Centre are in development. All this comes in response to a felt need, and at negligible cost to the learners, while overcoming the tyranny of distance. It is about seeing the need and finding a solution.

– Barry Borneman

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...