Jesus, storms and cushions

By Lyn Wake | Wycliffe Today March 2020 |


Many of us will face ‘life storms’, those sudden circumstances that paralyse, overwhelm and disempower. Like the disciples in Mark 4 who were trapped in a sinking boat, terrified in the throes of a furious storm, I too have tried to ‘wake up’ Jesus, calling out in my despair, ‘Lord, don’t you care if I drown?’ 

Life storms tend to reveal where our fears are based and where our faith is placed. My family is facing another life storm with yet another cancer diagnosis to hit the extended family. My first reaction is fear. But I want to navigate this one by faith. By putting into practice the life-saving lessons I have previously learned when swamped by life storms, already I find myself more anchored and assured as I face this new tempest.

One of those lessons is the importance of ‘cushions’. Mark says that during the storm, Jesus was in the stern, sleeping with his head on a cushion (Mark 4:38). Jesus was not disturbed by the storm; he was able to rest in the knowledge that the Father was with him. Now as I journey through life storms, I look for the ‘cushions’ Jesus is holding out to me. Those cushions may come in the form of loving friends and family or in the gifts of material provision and shelter. In fact, there are countless blessings offered to us by the grace of God to help ‘cushion the blow’ of our trials. 

But the best cushion is Jesus, the Word of God. As I receive all that he offers me in the midst of my life storm, joy rises. As I rest securely with him and lean into his comfort, peace floods in. He is with me and with just a word, he is able to quiet my soul and silence every storm.


In what ways has Jesus cushioned you through your life storms?

How can you cushion others through their trials and sorrows? 

Be transformed by the Word as you engage with:

Mark 4:35-41 and Psalm 27

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