Andrew and Denielle first joined Wycliffe in 2015 with a passion for supporting families involved in mission. In 2019 following a trip to Tree Tops Lodge in Cairns, they applied to join the support team but then Covid-19 shut down the world! During lockdown they decided to ‘stay put’ in Sydney so their youngest son could finish his schooling. Through this time of waiting, they were encouraged by Proverbs 16:9, ‘The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps’. Andrew and Denielle have now accepted an invitation to join the team at Tree Tops Lodge.
Tree Tops Lodge is a motel owned by Wycliffe Australia which provides affordable accommodation for missionaries needing a break in a peaceful Christian environment. It also provides accommodation for mission workers who are staying in Cairns for medical care, including emergency evacuations, and serves as a place of transit to or from their area of service. Andrew and Denielle will support the work of Bible translation through practically and pastorally caring for these people.
Andrew and Denielle met at Bible College and married in 1993. Over the years they have been involved in a variety of mission and ministry contexts and understand the unique challenges and stressors that cross cultural workers and their families face, and the need for rest, refreshment, relaxation, renewal and recuperation. They value your prayers as they build partnerships with churches and individuals and prepare for their vital ministry at Tree Tops Lodge.
Contact them if you would like to be part of their team through prayer, financial support, and encouragement.