Prayer Words
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‘Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time
we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.’
Galatians 6.9 (NIV)
Thank you for persevering in prayer with us. God is moving because you are praying.
Together in Christ,
Prayer Words Team
8. Tan* in Asia: Tourists visit this beautiful nation to admire the colours, the religious fervour and the grandeur of the mountain ranges. But God treasures the almost one million people living here. None of the 58 people groups have been officially reached with the Good News. Pray!
9. Tan*: 28 indigenous languages are spoken in Tan*. The two principal languages include English. Among the minority languages, several have limited or no access to the Bible. Pray for workers to bring God’s Word and his love to each one.
10. Australia: Give thanks for the success of a translation workshop in Darwin in November last year. 50 speakers of Aboriginal languages came together and translated Scripture into 18 languages. This was a big increase from last year when the workshop only attracted 14 participants. In this video, several workshop participants shared how they value the Bible in their own language.
11. Kani in West Asia: Give thanks with Wycliffe Australia member Sally* for the growing network supporting the work in the Kani* language, including government officials, university academics and other NGOs. Pray for God’s blessing on all of these relationships.
12. Kani: Give thanks for promising talks with a government leader who wants to see the minority language of Kani* taught in schools. He was glad to find out about the capacity of Sally’s team to make his vision a reality.
13. Kani: Academics have been unable to agree on the alphabet for Kani*. This is an obstacle to using Kani in schools. Pray that this obstacle is overcome, and preferably that the approach of Sally’s team is adopted.
14. Kani: Pray for Derek* and Elizabeth*, members of the Kani* language community. They have been hospitable and helpful in the translation work. Ask God to guide them in their next steps.
* Names have been disguised to protect those involved.
Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...