Baka_Bafuli MLE & Trauma Heal CAM



108.6% of $25,736 at 19-Sep-2024

Project 8309

The Baka people of Cameroon and Gabon, numbering about 40,000, are one of the oldest forest peoples on the planet. They live by measured exploitation of the forest environment through hunting, fishing, gathering and harvesting of honey. The vast majority of Baka do not attend school. Children learn about the forest from an early age. Evenings are devoted to collective games and participation in songs and dances that bring families together around the campfire.

Due to the increased exploitation of forest resources through logging, mining and poaching of bushmeat, the Baka are facing increasing problems in adequately accessing forest resources. They are having difficulty adapting to a sedentary life, and are marginalised by their neighbours who use them as objects of tourism to earn money.

This project, which supports the Baka Intercultural Multilingual Education Project (BIMLEP), aims to restore dignity to the Baka people. Specifically, it aims to help Baka adults learn to read and write their language, teach them bee-keeping techniques, expose them to the Word of God which is a source of transformation and restoration, and heal them from the traumas caused by marginalisation and exploitation.

Partner with us

Budget target: AU$25,735 for 2024

Excess funds will go towards the following year’s target.

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Cheques or Money Orders: Make out to 'Wycliffe Australia' and post to Wycliffe Australia, 70 Graham Rd, Kangaroo Ground VIC 3097

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