Binumarien Old Testament Translation & Literacy PNG



54.5% of $31,239 at 17-Jan-2025

Project 8590

Wycliffe and SIL have been working with the Binumarien people in the Eastern Highlands of PNG since 1958! With the committed help of Des and Jenny Oatridge, the Binumarien language was recorded, a writing system was developed, and the people were taught to read and write their language. They were hungry to have the New Testament of the Bible in their language, and so they worked with the Oatridges to achieve this. The New Testament was eventually dedicated in 1983. But this small language group of around 1000 people, want more of God’s word, and so they have been working hard for many years to get the Old Testament translated too! In 2011 SIL PNG’s Mitchell Michie commenced working with the Binumarien translators on the Old Testament. In 2018 five of the Old Testament books, and a revision of the Binumarien New Testament, were published in order to make more scriptures available for distribution. In 2021 a recording of the New Testament was also distributed to the people.

Just recently, a new agreement has been set up between SIL PNG, Tyndale Bible Translators, and the Binumarien translation team to give the project a boost. It has been recognised that the dedicated Binumarien translation team really need to spend more time in Ukarumpa, for face to face advisor checking with a Tyndale Bible Translation checker. It is hoped that this new agreement, and the increased time and resources being put into the Old Testament Translation, will see it completed in the next seven years. With this new structure, however, comes a significant increase in costs associated with the project. Please consider contributing towards this wonderful project to see the entire Bible available in the Binumarien language.

Latest update (May 2024):

In the last six months 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles and half of 2 Chronicles have undergone an advisor check with their Tyndale advisors.  Twelve literacy primers/stories have been published and distributed in digital and print form.  The Lumo Luke movie in Binumarien was shown in the village for the first time.  Forty-five SD cards with vernacular Scripture and literacy materials were purchased for use on mobile phones. Ten Megavoice players were also purchased. Three Binumarien literacy teachers have completed the Vernacular Creative Phonics course and have followed up with Mitchell on curriculum and materials development. The Binumarien phonics school is built and close to opening (as of the end of March 2024).

All glory to God and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Partner with us

Our partnership target by end of 2025 is $31,239

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards the following year’s target.

Support Binumarien Old Testament Translation & Literacy PNG

Other ways to give

Cheques or Money Orders: Make out to 'Wycliffe Australia' and post to Wycliffe Australia, 70 Graham Rd, Kangaroo Ground VIC 3097

Email or ring (03) 9712 2710 for direct deposit information or to give at other frequencies.

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Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...