National Trainee Consultant Study Tour



25.6% of $46,000 at 17-Jan-2025

Project 8395

Translation consultants who have never visited Israel, and never seen first-hand the sites common to the original readers of the Scriptures, are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to checking Bible translation.  The Wycliffe Australia Israel Study Tour gives an opportunity for Bible translation consultants and consultants-in-training to visit many sites in Israel where Old Testament and New Testament events occurred, and to meet other mother-tongue translators studying Hebrew in Jerusalem in preparation to translate the Old Testament into their own languages. The cost for each student will be approximately $7,400 (depending on airfares). Approximately 50% of this funding is provided by the African and South Asian organisations from which the translation trainees are coming. This funding covers all their expenses in Israel: travel, accommodation, food, entry to National Parks and the costs of an experienced tour guide.

Support National Trainee Consultant Study Tour

Other ways to give

Cheques or Money Orders: Make out to 'Wycliffe Australia' and post to Wycliffe Australia, 70 Graham Rd, Kangaroo Ground VIC 3097

Email or ring (03) 9712 2710 for direct deposit information or to give at other frequencies.

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Latest Updates from National Trainee Consultant Study Tour

15 February 2023

Impact of the 2022 Tour:

Many of the participants reported on how important it was to see the archaeological sites in Israel for themselves, as confirmation that the Bible is true and reliable.

Other participants were impacted to trust God more on a personal level, and were challenged to share what they learned with church leaders back home.

The African participants went home to tell their sponsoring organisations that this Tour is a must for their translations and translation consultants.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...