Scripture use North East Papua New Guinea
6.4% of $24,000 at 07-Feb-2025
Project 8519
The Scripture Use activities in the NE region of PNG aim to come alongside the local churches, language communities, and translation teams to build enthusiasm for and capacity in Scripture use. These activities may include:
- Meeting with translation teams to assist in developing a strategy to help the language community to engage with the translated Scripture.
- Providing materials to the translators and or leaders within the language communities/churches. These may include;
- Materials to assist in preaching
- Materials for running adult Bible studies
- Materials for running youth and children’s Sunday and vacation Bible school activities.
- Facilitating workshops to assist the language communities in applying the translated Scriptures to their lives. These workshops may include:
- Culture Meets Scripture. This workshop teaches the participants how to search the Scriptures to determine if their traditional customs bring honour and glory to God and if not, options for what could be done to change these customs so that they do.
- Bible Background / God’s Big Story This workshop teaches the participants about the culture and life during the time of the Old Testament and New Testament. Also, it teaches a timeline of the Old Testament and New Testament and how they are connected. Afterwards, the students take what they learned to other villages in the language group and run Bible studies sharing what they learned.
- Healing the Wounds of Trauma. This workshop equips local churches to care for people with deep emotional and spiritual injuries caused by war, domestic violence or natural disasters. This workshop combines biblical and mental health resources into an effective intervention that fosters healing and restores relationships with God and others.
- Using the Bible. This workshop teaches the importance of using the Scriptures and various methods to help people engage with them.
- Critical Thinking. This workshop trains the participants in critical thinking skills, assisting them in reading the Scriptures and applying it to their lives.
- Editing SU materials and developing new materials.
- Spending time in language communities to develop relationships with the communities to further enhance the receptibility of the SU materials and workshops.
- Training PNG men and women to be Scripture Use workers. This is done through discipleship/mentoring of selected PNG men and women in God’s Word through more individual small group study sessions, training in facilitation of the above-mentioned workshops and mentoring them as they facilitate these workshops.
Partner with us
Our partnership target for 2025 is $24,000
If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.
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