Diamonds in the rough

Transformed by the Word Devotion

By Lyn Wake  |  Wycliffe Today Spring 2021

I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure. Psalm 119:162 (NLT) 

When the excited young woman showed me her engagement ring, the earthy-brown rock, set in a delicate band of gold, was unexpected. But then she explained the significance this uncut, unpolished diamond held for her and her future husband. They had decided to reject the sparkle and instead represent the treasure hidden beneath the rough surface.  

As we celebrate the diamond anniversary of AuSIL this year, it may be a good time to also consider the intrinsic value of gems that really do last forever. Much like raw diamonds, there are priceless jewels in God’s Word, always there for us to uncover if we become ‘spiritual miners’.

As spiritual miners, we need to be people of God who are never content to just stumble upon the odd surface-treasure, here and there. First, we need to know what true gems look like so we won’t be fooled by counterfeits. Then we need to dig deep to uncover the incredible treasures available in God’s Word. 

The reality is, most treasures are so precious that they lie deeply hidden and protected in the recesses of suffering. Perhaps in this season you feel trapped in a dark place. If you do, please remember you are not alone. Keep crawling, searching and digging with all the strength God has given you. There are wonderful diamonds in the rough to discover in black crevices. Remember: there is light at the end of the tunnel and God’s Word is the moment-by-moment lamp you need to illuminate your way. 

God’s truth-declaring Word is the ultimate diamond mine and treasure map. One day, we will surely delight in the dazzling heavenly treasures God has planned for us. But even these will pale in comparison when at last we are face to face with Jesus—the greatest treasure of all.

Be transformed by the Word as you engage with: 

Isaiah 45:1-13 & Psalm 119:121-168.

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Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...