
Stories: a common link

Wycliffe Today – June 2019 (PDF

By Sharna Steinert

Sharna has recently joined the SIL Australia team. This is her story of transition.

I had no idea where the path would lead when I became a member of Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia. I wanted to be part of the work of Bible translation and thought I would most likely head to Papua New Guinea. I eventually accepted a role in Spain as a literacy specialist for an existing translation project. After a drawn-out visa process, God closed that door.

After a lot of prayer over a few possibilities, I accepted the role of Communications and Marketing Officer for SIL Australia. I have been around SIL Australia as a student and as teaching staff for Launch and I am enjoying getting to know the team better as we share about the work of SIL Australia.

What do these turns in the path have in common? Stories. Translation work makes God’s story available in a language. Literacy helps people share stories in their language in written form, and read God’s story for themselves. Communications and marketing are about sharing the story of an organisation, its staff and the work they do.


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...