We love our supporters!

While about to take a New Testament translation across the finish line, Ross and Lyndal Webb reflect on the significant role that supporters have played in their journey.


You have been on the translation journey for many years now, and many supporters have walked alongside you. How do you feel about your supporters?

We can be nothing but be super grateful to God for the friends he has given us as partners in the gospel over the past 30+ years. Many of the ‘originals’ are still hanging in there with us. How good is that? It is such an encouragement to know that this is not some personal crazy idea but a task that has the backing of godly men and women who see Bible translation as something they would support to the hilt!


Ross and Lyndal Webb

How have your prayer and financial supporters been part of the team over the years? Have there been specific events or incidents in which you have felt their partnership?

We love our supporters’ responses to our newsletters: getting replies makes all the difference! We loved it that a number of supporters came to the dedications of the Irumu (PNG) Bible dedications way back at the end of last century, and now again have signed up to come to the dedication of the Lewo New Testament here in Vanuatu. It is so wonderful that friends would want to come all this distance to be where the action is, so to speak. We love that we can count on the prayers of friends for everyday stuff and for when life turns out to be harder than we’d want, like when Lyndal was found to be with cancer some years back. We love that many of our supporting friends have kept up a strong interest in our boys and their own lives and ministries.

Have you had new supporters join you at different stages? How does it feel to have new people join you?

The Lord has never left us to fend for ourselves! Whenever a supporter has had to withdraw for some reason or another, he always provides another individual or church to take up the slack. We are totally grateful for his mercy in never requiring us to pull back, or take stock, or worry about how we are going to continue.

Learn more about Ross and Lyndal Webb and their current projects and events https://wycliffe.org.au/member/ross-lyndal/

This story is from Wycliffe Today – April 2017

Author: Sharna Steinert

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...