Andrew & Denielle Walsh


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Andrew & Denielle Walsh




Andrew and Denielle first joined Wycliffe Australia in 2015 with a passion for supporting families involved in mission. Over the years, they have been involved in a variety of mission and ministry contexts and understand the unique challenges and stressors that cross cultural workers and their families face. Having served at Tree Tops Lodge in Cairns, which is owned by Wycliffe Australia and provides accommodation for missionaries in need of rest, refreshment, respite, renewal and recuperation, they are now part of the team at the Wycliffe Australia National Centre in Kangaroo Ground, Melbourne serving as Retreats and Housing hosts.

In this role, Andrew and Denielle practically support and pastorally care for individuals and families who live on site, either short-term or long-term. This includes people who are training at the Summer Institute of Linguistics Australia (SILA), those who are actively involved in the work of Bible translation and Scripture engagement, attendees of training courses and events with Wycliffe Australia, those on home assignment (furlough) from their field of service, and colleagues serving in the national office to support the global work of Bible translation. They also welcome guests who make use of the retreats and lodge accommodation.

Andrew and Denielle value your prayerful and financial partnership as they support those involved in the important work of Bible translation and making God’s Word available in minority languages to those without the Scriptures in a language they understand.

Please contact them if you would like to be part of their team through prayer, financial support, and encouragement.

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Cheques or Money Orders: Make out to 'Wycliffe Australia' and post to Wycliffe Australia, 70 Graham Rd, Kangaroo Ground VIC 3097

Email or ring (03) 9712 2710 for direct deposit information or to give at other frequencies.

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Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...