Jenny Bradshaw



Jenny loves words, the Northern Territory and the Bible. These loves come together in her work on the Plain English Version (the PEV), an English Bible for speakers of Australian Aboriginal languages.

Growing up in country NSW in a family that loved books, Jenny developed a deep love of words. She grew up seeing her parents reading and memorising the Bible, and after becoming a Christian at age 9, she began following their example.

While studying occupational therapy at university, Jenny joined the Christian student group, which deepened her love of Scripture and her desire to share Christ with others. This eventually led to a ministry apprenticeship at her church in Dubbo and four years at Bible College, where she loved biblical languages and her nerdy study group of “Greebrew” friends who practiced vocab together.

After college, Jenny moved to Darwin, serving in university student ministry with the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) for eight years. From the beginning, she loved Darwin’s colour, contrasts and quirkiness, and was struck by the gospel need in the Top End.

After six years of student ministry, Jenny began exploring other ministry opportunities in Darwin with a week of “work experience” on the Plain English Version. That week turned into part time for two years, before becoming full-time in 2025, after Jenny’s acceptance as a Wycliffe member.

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Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...