Every little bit counts


Have you ever been overwhelmed by the enormity of the task of sharing God’s Word and wondered what difference you could possibly make?

Scripture tells us that we are each one part of Christ’s body, and even the members who appear less significant are indispensable in carrying out God’s work (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). Every contribution—every little bit—counts.

In 1962 Graham and Dianne Cooling started committing two pounds a month to support Bible translators in Papua New Guinea. Fifty-five years later, they are still contributing.


‘We give,’ Dianne says, ‘for the purpose of being able to see God’s Word as available to other believers as it is to us. We are all part of the body to take part in his work.’

This faithful participation in Bible translation is necessary. It is inspiring. Yet there are times when one-off gifts have a special place in furthering God’s work.

We see this through Sheryl Parker and the Caring Hands Craft Group, who made fitted cloth bags for a New Testament dedication in Vanuatu.


‘It was wonderful to see the passion in which some of the ladies in the group made the Bible bags,’ Sheryl said. ‘They felt worthwhile and empowered and pleased.’

So thank you, supporter in the body of Christ: whether a long-term or short-term contributor, every little bit counts in sharing God’s Word with the peoples of the world.

This story is from Wycliffe Today – April 2017 Edition

Author: Craig Schneider

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...