Missy Smith


After eight years of service at the Pacific Orientation Course in Papua New Guinea, Missy returned to Australia to explore new opportunities for service. During the first part of 2012 she spent some time studying at Tabor Bible College and through the biblical studies she was reminded that the Bible is God’s message of love and guide for living. With a desire to use her skills to encourage, equip and enable others to have access to the Scriptures, and grow in their spiritual walk, Missy felt led to join the Aitape West Translation Project. The Aitape West Translation Project is a multilanguage (cluster) Bible translation program. Located in the Arop Village in the north west region of Papua New Guinea, the team work alongside local language speakers to train and equip them to translate the Scriptures into their own languages. So far eleven different language groups are participating and the project combines workshops in translation, literacy and Scripture Use concurrently. As part of the Aitape West Translation Project Missy is using her administration skills to support the team, and her language and cultural experience to participate in local communities and churches to build relationships and foster discipleship.

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Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...