Celebration of 70 years of Bible Translation [51:12 min]
Wycliffe Australia celebrates 70 years of God’s faithfulness as we work together in partnership with the Church to translate the Bible into the languages that need it. This video can be downloaded at: https://vimeo.com/9980978956
Changing Lives [1:26 min]
As we look back over the past 70 years of world-changing Bible translation, we are thankful to God and our many partners in this ministry. We also look ahead to the remaining 1200 plus languages still waiting for their own translation to begin. Will you join us? This video can be downloaded at: https://vimeo.com/912827847
The Most Powerful Thing [2:03 min]
‘Translating the Word of God into our language is awesome. It’s the most powerful thing that can happen to any people group in the world.’ Maratja Dhamarrandji – Yolŋu Bible Translator. In this video Aboriginal people share about the significance of their languages and the importance of translation work.
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A place for everyone in Indonesia [5:05 min]
Consider being part of what God is doing in the lives of the Indonesian people.
EVERY [1:20 min]
Jesus invites everyone into his kingdom. The team at Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia believes that everybody should have the chance to hear the Good News of Jesus in a language that they understand best.
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Ambonese Malay New Testament Dedication [4:00 min]
‘When people read the Bible in Ambonese Malay it’s like God is speaking directly to their heart with the language they understand the best.’ Olce Saleky, Ambonese Malay Scripture Engagement Team
The Ambonese people of Indonesia now have the New Testament in their own language. Watch the dedication of the Ambonese Malay New Testament and learn why the Ambonese needed this translation in their own language.
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Languages, Languages and more Languages [4:31 min]
Have you ever wondered why we need to do Bible translation? With over 2000 languages still with no Scripture, there are many opportunities to serve in a vast variety of roles so people can experience the power of God’s Word in a language they understand best.
Gergiko [4:55 min]
With limited knowledge of translation, the Mukulu people of Chad had already started translating the New Testament into their own language, Gergiko, before the arrival of David & Elly Sharp in 1992. Through facilitation and partnering with the Mukulu people, not only has the New Testament been translated, but they also have an alphabet, a written language and a literacy program. The New Testament will be dedicated sometime in 2020.
God knew better [3:10 min]
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8-9 NIV.
Find out why Greg and Rachel Shipp are currently serving in an isolated community in the Top End of Australia instead of Mexico.
Catching a Vision for Bible Translation [4:56 min]
‘Bible translation is a community movement, it’s a community effort. You cannot do it alone.’ Tony Kotauga Director PNGBTA. Discover how the church in Papua New Guinea is catching a vision for Bible Translation as they partner with PNG Bible Translation Association.
AuSIL – Celebrating 60 Years of Indigenous peoples hearing God’s Word [3:09 min]
Did you know that there are lots of needs for Bible Translation into Australian Aboriginal languages? Learn about the opportunities to be a part of and support this ministry through Wycliffe Australia’s partner AuSIL.
The Bible Banquet [1:52 min]
Imagine you’re at a banquet but it’s not food or drink – it’s a Bible banquet. There are 7,099 guests representing each language of the world but at one end of the table there is abundance whilst at the other there is no single verse of Scripture.
How would you feel about a God who doesn’t speak your language?
Thanks for your patience...
Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...