5 - 8 Sept 2024

Story the Bible – Maleny, Qld

5 - 8 Sept 2024

Register - single Register - Couple

Have you ever tried to share the Word of God with a friend and found they weren’t interested?
Sharing a Bible story

Try telling them a story.

Everyone loves a story, and Bible stories are a great tool for sharing the Word of God with people who may not visit a church or read it for themselves. Bible stories are also a great tool for discipleship, church growth and Christian mentoring.  But to be both faithful to God’s Word and effective for ministry, our stories need to be simple, accurate and memorable.

That’s where Story the Bible comes in.  In a three-day live-in workshop you will learn how to craft, polish, tell and teach simple, accurate, memorable Bible stories, and lead a discussion on a passage of Scripture – even with someone who has never read the Bible.

Wycliffe Australia in Queensland is holding a Story the Bible workshop at Maleny, in the scenic hinterland of the Sunshine Coast, from 5 to 8 September 2024.  During the three-day workshop you will discover how to take a Bible text and craft a Bible story that is clear, memorable and gripping, while still being accurate to the biblical text.  Experienced Bible storytellers will facilitate the course and provide individual mentoring.  The program also includes opportunities to put your new-found skills into practice.

Where: Grice’s Nut Farm, Burgum Road, North Maleny (detailed directions will be sent to registered participants).
Accommodation is on site, and all meals, teas and suppers are provided.

Arrival:             Before 6.00 pm Thursday 5 September
Departure:      After 3.00 pm Sunday 8 September

Cost:                 $180 per person, which includes food, accommodation, tuition and manuals
.                          for the three days.
.                          It is posible to register paying only a deposit of $40 per person,
                        with the remainder payable one month before the event – i.e. by 5 August.
.                          There are discounts of $20 each for those who register and pay in full
.                          by 5 August, and for couples (an additional $40 off per couple).

Hosts:               Francois and Ianthe van der Walt, francois_vanderwalt@wycliffe.org.au
Registrar:         Peter O’Loghlin, maleny_seminars@wycliffe.org.au