David grew up in Sydney but his first job was in Alice Springs, Northern Territory (NT), which allowed him to visit schools in many isolated Aboriginal communities. He later worked in Canberra at the National Library of Australia. He joined Wycliffe Bible Translators in 1990, and was assigned to work amongst the Alyawarr people of Central Australia.
David married Marie Geytenbeek in 1996. They worked in an Aboriginal community of about 150 Alyawarr people called Wetenngerr [WOO ten nger a], which is on Epenarra Station, a cattle property of 2,658 sq km. The nearest town is Tennant Creek (NT), 220km by road to the northwest. Alice Springs is 550km by road to the southwest. Marie passed away in December 2004. After that, David and their sons, Paul and Simon, moved to Alice Springs. The boys are now studying in Adelaide.
Latest Updates from David Blackman
04 September 2023
30 August 2023 — This is R-Day: Reinvent, Refocus, Relocate! It has been a privilege to serve with Wycliffe and AuSIL since 1990. I am grateful to the Lord for his provision of a wonderful team of prayer and financial supporters. Today I take retirement status with Wycliffe, which means I no longer have a formal assignment with SIL. I will remain a member of Wycliffe, and will continue to work on unfinished projects for two days a week. At that rate, I have plenty to keep me busy for several years! This includes:
• a bunch of archiving tasks
• the preparation of the next Alyawarr mini-Bible for typesetting
• the preparation of the video script for Luke chapters 1-18 (we’ve done the Easter chapters)
• transcribing and translating many hours of Alyawarr oral history interviews (recorded 30 years ago by the Central Land Council)
• doing a search of the AIATSIS catalogue for AuSIL material deposited over the years (and needing one common access point in their library catalogue)
• occasional contract work for other organisations.
12 July 2023
The audio recordings of 1&2 Peter and Ruth have been completed. The preparation of the next Alyawarr mini-Bible will be a retirement project, along with the preparation of the Luke video script.
This year, David has been focussing on administrative tasks, including revising documentation relating to the preparation and publication of translated Scripture and other printed works. He is a member of the interim leadership team of his field organisation, the Australia-Timor Group, and of the discernment team considering the appointment of a new Group Director and the restructuring of the Group. Another focus, with several colleagues, is the archiving of the Group’s past documents, correspondence and photographs.
20 November 2022
The consultant check of Ruth and Revelation 15-22 was completed last week.
In the new year, David will start preparing a new edition of Angka Mwerr-angker, the Alyawarr mini-Bible. It’s not so ‘mini’ any more, as it will contain about 11% of the Old Testament and 82% of the New Testament.
David is hoping to return to editing the script for the video of Luke 1-18 in the new year, as well as to make audio recordings of 1&2 Peter and Ruth.
He plans to ‘retire’ in August 2023, and will be taking unfinished projects with him!
15 February 2022
An audio recording has been made of 1&2 Timothy. The 1&2 Peter consultant check has been done semi-remotely, and is almost complete. The consultant check of Revelation 1-14 is now under way. Chapters 15-22 need another draft, before back translating into English in preparation for a consultant check.
Kerry did the first draft of Ruth in 2021, and Eileen the second draft. David is hoping Roxanne or Derek will do the third draft.
When these books are fully checked, David will begin preparing a new edition of Angka Mwerr-angker, the Alyawarr mini-Bible. It’s not so ‘mini’ any more, as it will contain about 12% of the Old Testament and 82% of the New.
David is hoping to return to editing the script for the video of Luke 1-18 later this year, as well as to make an audio recording of 1&2 Peter.