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Liz Linden and her family went to Papua New Guinea in 1991 to work for SIL. Originally intending to work there as a nurse, God diverted her into administrative work and there she has stayed ever since. After seventeen years serving in PNG Liz returned to Australia and spent ten years in Brisbane working in the SIL Pacific Area office. Now she is based in Cairns. She divides her time between working at Tree Tops Lodge Motel and doing admin work (still) for SIL Pacific.

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Latest Updates from Liz Linden

02 February 2017

Thank you to financial supporters of this project in 2016. Some of that support allowed Michael Corden, translation advisor, to give away over 70 Yumplatok Bibles at a Christmas outreach event in Townsville last year.

Michael shares a testimony from this event:

During the week before Christmas I gave away over 70 Yumplatok Bibles at the ‘Stable on the Strand’, a combined churches Christmas outreach in Townsville.

About three weeks later, I received a phone call from an Islander lady in Rockhampton, Ada, who had left the Torres Strait as an 11 year old. When Ada was in Cairns for Christmas, she had received one of the Bibles as a gift from a friend who had collected one in Townsville.

Ada told me that she had had some initial difficulty reading it because she was focusing too much on English spelling. She gave it to her teenage daughter to have a read. Having grown up in Rockhampton, her daughter’s first language is English and she has a passing knowledge of Yumplatok. When she started to read the Yumplatok Bible, she said to her mother, ‘Hey mum, this is so easy to read and it’s much more clear than English.’

As a result of the excitement of her daughter and her own increasing ability to read it she went to the local Christian book store and ordered 20 more copies so that she could send them to her extended family in the Torres Strait and elsewhere!

It’s exciting to see what happens when the Lord takes over. Isn’t God good!

Praise God that all 70 Bibles were able to be given to Islanders. Pray for these people who have taken copies and for those in the Torres Strait who read the article that more doors will open.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...