Operations Manager – Vanuatu






We have an urgent need for someone with the right experience and skills to be the Operations Manager for SIL Vanuatu in Port Vila. You would assist the language teams working in the country as well as the administrative team. This is a full-time role, either short-term for one or two years, or longer term, and is vital to the success of our work in Vanuatu!


  • oversee the maintenance and upkeep of 10 housing units, office and grounds and oversight of two local grounds-keepers and possibly also guest-house worker
  • upkeep of vehicles and insurance on the vehicles as well as other equipment
  • obtain and renew members’ work permits and residence permits
  • support teams with purchasing and shipping of items out to their island locations as needed
  • support the SIL Vanuatu administrative and language teams with other operational items as needed.


  • Practical skills in maintenance of buildings and vehicles
  • administrative abilities
  • organisational and leadership skills
  • a team player
  • self-starter
  • someone who enjoys helping others be successful.

Orientation and training:

In preparation for the role, you will be attending orientation workshops, held at our National Centre in Kangaroo Ground, Victoria. Other language and culture training courses would also be helpful.

Express your interest

Operations Manager - Vanuatu

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Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...