Bible Translation Training and Workshops Australia
24.4% of $13,889 at 19-Sep-2024
Project 8533
There are lots of Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory who want to be doing Bible translation, but without outside support and encouragement, translation work happening in remote communities often gets stuck at the draft stage and doesn’t make it through to publication.
This project will train non-linguists such as ministry workers who are already living and working in remote Indigenous communities to come alongside aspiring Aboriginal translators, to encourage them in their work and provide support.
Further to that, this project will assist with the travel, accommodation and food costs involved in bringing groups of Aboriginal people, from different language groups, to Nungalinya College in Darwin for 1-2 week translation workshops. These are run by experienced translators and translation consultants who are on hand to encourage and assist the indigenous translators where needed. Experience has shown that a great deal more work is achieved when the translators are able to stay at Nungalinya College for the duration of the workshop. This is because it gives them the opportunity to focus fully on their translation work when they are away from the responsibilities of family and community. It also provides them with a bit of a break from the stresses of everyday life.
Partner with us
Budget target: AU$13,889 by mid 2024
Excess funds will go towards the following year’s target.
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