PILAT – Translation training for PNG nationals
5.2% of $86,667 at 13-Jan-2025
Project 8835
The Pacific Institute of Languages, Arts and Translation (PILAT) is a training organisation dedicated to preparing Papua New Guineans for Bible translation, literacy and other language development work.
The National Translators Education Fund (NTEF) project subsidises training in translation and language development activities for national translators. The goal is to equip PNGn translators to be able to produce quality vernacular translations of Scripture. NTEF scholarships are available to applicants who are working in an SIL or PNG Bible Translation Association (BTA) language program. Criteria for acceptance include academic qualifications, finished village assignments from previous courses, equal distribution of scholarships over different language teams, and willingness to bring a community contribution of PGK100 per week of training per language team. The scholarship can cover course fees, room and board at the training location (Ukarumpa and Alotau), travel, course material, books and subsidies for laptops after applications are reviewed and evaluated.
Watch this video for more information.
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Budget target: AU$86,666.58 by mid 2025
Excess funds will go towards the following year’s target.
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