Satan repents

God’s Word is so powerful it even brought Satan to a believing faith in Jesus … well, a man voicing the role of Satan for the Jesus Film in a village in the delta country of southern Papua New Guinea, that is! A translation team leader in the area had organised 80 people to participate as voice over roles for the film. There was just one role left to fill that nobody wanted: Satan. Then he met Thomas*, a young man who was willing to give the role a go.

Thomas had good reading skills, and a deep clear voice. But the words on the page meant nothing to him because he did not believe in Jesus. Yet, when he came to record his lines, something transformative happened inside him. He only had three lines to read from the temptation scene in Luke 4. When the recordist played the video back to him, together with Jesus’s replies, a strong impression came over Thomas that he was not a good man. He left the recording scene with this very strong impression still working in him. As a result, he ‘turned himself’ (repented) and decided he wanted to serve the Jesus he had come to trust in. 

Since being converted in this unusual way, Thomas decided to study theology at the Christian Leaders’ Training College near Mount Hagen to grow in his faith and to disciple others. Thomas has also completed a three-year study course in English at a Bible school in a neighbouring language area. His strong testimony has brought his wife and family to faith but it has also brought discrimination from his own village. That has not stopped Thomas from sharing God’s light to those around him. He is now working as a chaplain at a school in a neighbouring language area and sharing the gospel whenever he can. Please pray for Thomas as he perseveres in his faith.

*Name changed for security reasons.

Adapted from a story by Phil Carr

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