Transformed by the Word: Be Still and Know

By Lyn Wake  |  Wycliffe Today Winter 2022 edition  |

Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honoured by every nation. I will be honoured throughout the world. Psalm 46:10 (NLT)

Behind every one of Wycliffe Australia’s strategic goals and actions is the longing for God to be honoured in all the earth. But how do we do this? How should we use our unique roles to honour God in our spheres of influence? By working harder and faster?

God revealed his answer to the writer of Psalm 46. Within the context of a world turned upside down, the psalmist sang a worship song that echoed the rhythms of God’s heartbeat for his creation: ‘Be still, and know that I am God’. In other words, ‘Stop! Cease striving! Be quiet in my presence so you can truly know me!’

God’s formula for working with us in his world has not changed. It may be counterintuitive and feel impossible to obey at times, especially in our own period of distress and distraction. Yet we too are given this simple answer to rest in the Lord.

When we practise the discipline of stillness, we come to know God more intimately. Then we grow more confident in his control over all things. God himself ensures that he is honoured in our lives and all over the world – that is his job! Ours is to be still, and come to know him as our refuge and strength. God will empower us to participate in all he has called us to do. 

Every nation, tribe and people will one day be presented before God’s throne of grace. But this will only come to fruition when we obey his call to be still and know him more intimately. What beautiful freedom we can enjoy when we understand that the weight of the world is not for our shoulders, but for his. 

For reflection: How can you incorporate stillness into your life for the express purpose of knowing God more intimately? 

Be transformed by the Word as you engage with Psalm 46

Prayer:  Lord, in my distress and distraction, please help me learn to be still and know you more. It is my desire to honour you, along with all the nations of the earth. Amen.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...