Trusting God with your children


Our family has been living in a village in Vanuatu since 2003, supporting local translators to translate the Scriptures into one of the many local languages. Prayer and patience have gone hand-in-hand both with our family and the project.

Our four children have all grown up here, but as they get older they need to return to their passport country for schooling. As our first, second and now third child has left home, prayer has become my best friend. Whether it’s entrusting them to God to care for them when we can’t be there, or patiently waiting on God to lead them in their new pursuits of living in a ‘new country’, we have certainly been tested and stretched in our faith.

As the children have left the family, my role in the project has had a chance to morph and change. I am involved in digital Scripture recording, where I’ve witnessed the joy of seeing young ladies who have never touched a computer and who have minimal reading skills, sit there doggedly recording the translated Bible stories, determined to do it well.

We have prayed for the Merei-speaking people for so many years before seeing the work of translation go ahead and be owned by the speakers of that language. Prayer and patience are constant companions throughout our lives both at home and work.

This story is from Wycliffe Today – July 2017

About the Author: Hester Pike, Merei Bible translation project (Vanuatu). Find out more


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...