
The Matthew Drama

The Matthew Drama tells the story Matthew wrote in his Gospel through the voices and actions of a cast of 15 ordinary Christians.

Matthew was writing to a Jewish audience, and was keen to let them know upfront that Jesus was the promised Messiah, the son of David, so he begins with his genealogy. He was also eager to let his readers know that Immanuel (God with us), fulfilled a whole string of Old Testament prophesies. So The Matthew Drama has an actor playing the role of a prophet, who regularly interrupts the drama to shout, “Hear ye. Hear ye. This is what God said through his servant. . .”

The Matthew Drama also includes the birth narratives, with Joseph and Mary journeying to Bethlehem, and the Magi from the East searching for the new king, all the way through to his arrest, trial, crucifixion and resurrection. The drama concludes with Jesus’ words to his followers from chapter 28:19-20 to take the Good News to all nations. And they do!

The Matthew Drama is performed as theatre-in-the-round, with the stage in the centre, and the audience in circles around the action – until Jesus moves out into the circular cross-over aisles and the action engulfs the audience, with cast members on all sides interacting with the Master Teacher.

Audience Feedback: 

Is The Matthew Drama suitable for all ages?
“Yes! My nine-year-old daughter and I attended and found it super-helpful to see Scripture brought to life in such a helpful way.”
“An absolute joy, uniquely presented, engaging and spiritually uplifting. The children were ‘spellbound’ with anticipation. Thank you.”

Is The Matthew Drama good quality theatre?
“We loved it. The performance quality was excellent, and the storyline was in-line with Scripture and wonderfully portrayed the Gospel.
“It was fantastic. The actors were so good and got the message across very powerfully.
“Really well done. Great to see Matthew’s Gospel brought to life. A high-quality performance.”

A Tool for Churches: Wycliffe Bible Translators are eager for the Good News to be heard and understood by people of every nation in their own language. The Matthew Drama is a tool to help Australian churches make the Gospel message clear – both for Christians and also for their neighbours who do not yet know the one named Jesus, “. . . for he will save people from their sins.”

Matthew Drama website


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27 Sep - 17 Oct 2024

Kurukh Scripture Distribution

27 Sep - 17 Oct 2024

Work with a group of Kurukh speakers to facilitate a Story the Bible workshop. Accompany Kurukh speakers from community to community as they tell Bible stories in their own language.

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24-27 April 2025

Gospel Drama Training weekend

24-27 April 2025

A three-day training event for potential cast members to learn, rehearse and perform Sections #1-3 of The Luke Drama, in preparation for multiple performances in 2025.

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Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...