Wycliffe Australia's Current Projects

Old Testament Translation in South Asia

Project 8328

The Si* language community is located in South Asia. Like many minority language groups and dialects in the region, they are located in a rural location that is difficult to access. This often makes translating the Bible difficult, as translation consultants need to travel large distances to meet with communities to work on translations. While much of the New Testament has been translated into the Si language, work on the Old Testament is about to begin.

In order to provide an easier, long-term solution for the remaining Scripture to be translated, a Wycliffe Australia member is providing Bible translation training for mother-tongue translators. He is serving as the coordinator and Bible translation advisor for the project, teaching, training and checking the translation work of the mother-tongue translators. The training that local speakers are receiving is already improving their competence in translating. The training is also providing them with a sense of pride and ownership in the translation, helping to ensure longevity of the project.

Along with partner organisations in South Asia, Wycliffe Australia is providing funding for this important work. In addition to the translation training, the project aims to also provide literacy training and gospel materials in the Si language to promote the work of the gospel and build healthy local church communities.

The budget for the first year of this project includes set-up costs (including office and computer supplies), salaries and travel expenses for training two mother-tongue translators. The initial Old Testament passages to be translated include Genesis 1–50, Ruth 1–4 and Jonah 1–4.

*Names changed for security reasons

Partner with us

Budget target for 2023 and 2024 is $28,214. 

Excess funds will go towards the following year’s target.

Photograph by Aileen Agoncillo, Unsplash

BSFB Old Testament Translations South Asia

Project 8814

BSFB (Bible Study Fellowship of Bangladesh) is working with a student group in South Asia in a program that involves training young people from remote, isolated Christian communities for translation and future leadership roles. Christians are a minority in this country and suffer from a lack of resources and many forms of discrimination. Our current support is focused on paying the mother-tongue translators and their supervisory personnel, as well as the costs of trainers from Australia.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2024 is $21,307. 

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards next year’s target.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...