Launch to Timor-Leste: Embracing people, culture and language

John and Remy Tan experienced a ‘short term assignment’, spending six weeks in Timor-Leste. John explains how the training he and Remy received through SIL Australia’s Launch language learning and cultural awareness course prepared them for their time away.


Steps to serving: A taste of Bible translation in Papua New Guinea

Last year, Helen Sahl and Eva McMaster led a group on a short-term trip to Papua New Guinea. They explain what the trip was about and the impact it has had on participants. 


Christ transforming culture: A safari adventure in Kenya

In September 2023, Wycliffe Australia sent a team of nine people from Australia to Kenya to facilitate seven training events to provide training and support for African pastors and those involved in Bible translation, while also encouraging Aussies to consider how they can support the global church in Scripture engagement and Bible storytelling.


Bible storytelling bearing fruit

Pastor Benson is using the skills he developed from the Bible storytelling workshops he attended in Nairobi to excite his congregation with stories of God's love for them . . . stories that are found in the Bible.


MAD: An eye-opening adventure

Wycliffe Australia runs MAD (Ministry, Adventure and Discovery) short-term trips that provide an opportunity to visit Indigenous Australian communities where Bible translation, Scripture engagement and gospel work is taking place. Hear from participants about moving beyond their comfort zones to experience God's Word in action among Indigenous communities.


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...