Not all change that takes place in our discipleship with Jesus is quick and dramatic. Lyn writes about the ways God often chooses to change us into the likeness of Jesus little by little throughout our walk with him.
As followers of Jesus, we are being changed more and more each day into his image. Lyn Wake reflects on the ongoing process of transformation by looking at the life - and death - of Ruth Bell Graham - wife to the well known evangelist, Billy.
By Lyn Wake | Wycliffe Today Autumn 2024 Edition
‘Lord, if it’s you’, Peter replied, ‘tell me to come to you on the water.’ ‘Come,’ he said. Matthew 14:28 – 29 ...
Lyn Wake considers what Jesus means in Matthew 25 to care for 'the least of these'. She encourages us to reflect God’s heart for loving those who feel forgotten and insignificant.
Lyn Wake reflects on the beautiful music of Fanny Crosby - the American poet, hymnist and mission worker best known for her hymn 'Blessed Assurance'. Discover what it means to use your story for God's glory.
Lyn Wake brings us another inspiring edition of Transformed by the Word with a reflection on what it means to work WITH God instead of just seeking to 'do something good' for him.
Lyn Wake explains why the discipline of stillness plays an important role in coming to know God more intimately and serving him with greater purpose.
We have all been dealing with unexpected twists and turns over the past couple of years. Lyn Wake asks the question 'Are we becoming more attuned to ‘expecting the unexpected’ as the pandemic unfolds?' While it may be scary, this unexpected season offers us the opportunity to learn more about God’s character and our own place in his overarching story.
As we celebrate the diamond anniversary of AuSIL this year, Lyn Wake reflects on the type of gems that really do last forever - gems found in the Bible. Much like raw diamonds, there are priceless jewels in God’s Word, always there for us to uncover if we become ‘spiritual miners’.
In 2021, we pause to remember God and all he has done over the many years of Bible translation ministry in our country and throughout the world. Remembering God’s faithfulness is a major theme that keeps appearing throughout Scripture. Why? Because we have a great tendency to forget!