Words of life

Wycliffe Australia CEO, Max Sahl, explains the power of Scripture to change lives, including how it has transformed his own life.


The importance of home staff

Bible translation projects cannot happen without people filling various roles both ‘on the ground’ and at the home office. Administrative staff here in Australia are just as essential as overseas and cross-cultural workers for keeping Bible translation fires burning. In Wycliffe Today, we will be shining a spotlight on some of Wycliffe Australia’s home office staff. We start by introducing Gary and Eva.


Transformed by the Word: Under Construction

As followers of Jesus, we are being changed more and more each day into his image. Lyn Wake reflects on the ongoing process of transformation by looking at the life - and death - of Ruth Bell Graham - wife to the well known evangelist, Billy.


I don't know why they chose me!

Erik's life was transformed when he attended training to understand God's Word on a deeper level. Read about how the Trenem Tingting course helped Erik step into the role God chose for him.


Supporting translation remotely

Ross and Lyndal Webb are Wycliffe Australia members who currently serve as Regional Representatives for the Sydney area. They may be based in Australia now, yet the Webbs have been supporting language work and Scripture engagement in Vanuatu for many years. They developed the Trenem Tingting Course to help ni-Vanuatu leaders grow in critical thinking and application of the Bible in everyday life. Since returning to Australia, the Webbs share how they are able to continue supporting language workers remotely


Stepping out in faith: First steps

What can you do if you feel called to serve God in a cross-cultural context but you're unsure of what's involved? Max explains how short-term trips can be a great way for people to learn more about Bible translation projects Wycliffe members are involved with by being immersed in the language and community of the people.


MAD: An eye-opening adventure

Wycliffe Australia runs MAD (Ministry, Adventure and Discovery) short-term trips that provide an opportunity to visit Indigenous Australian communities where Bible translation, Scripture engagement and gospel work is taking place. Hear from participants about moving beyond their comfort zones to experience God's Word in action among Indigenous communities.


No longer outsiders

Sharna Steinert shares an update on SIL Australia's Flourishing Communities project that is partnering with diaspora language communities in Melbourne.


God's heart for the grieving

Tracey Ware works with Bethel Funerals in the area of Community Engagement. She shares with us some insights she has discovered to help care for those who are grieving.


Silence is not always golden

If Deaf people can see, they can read the Bible, right? Not necessarily. Rebecca Thurrowgood explains why sign language translations of the Bible are important for helping Deaf communities engage with Scripture with the language they understand best.


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...