
Launch to Timor-Leste: Embracing people, culture and language

John and Remy Tan experienced a ‘short term assignment’, spending six weeks in Timor-Leste. John explains how the training he and Remy received through SIL Australia’s Launch language learning and cultural awareness course prepared them for their time away.


Programming a more accessible world

Did you know that there is a program that helps language communities, including Deaf and vision impaired, create literacy resources in the format and language they understand best?


Children learning the signs of Easter

Australian Sign Language (Auslan) only has a few books of the Bible translated and does not have any resources to support Scripture engagement. Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia members Saul and Rebecca Thurrowgood want to change that. They explain the animated film the created with AI technology that explains the gospel message for children in Auslan.  


Bloom: opening up new opportunities for the blind and vision impaired

How can learning resources be created for disadvantaged people groups in poor communities? Bloom Reader is a tool that has enabled Resources for the Blind in the Philippines to create interactive books for blind and vision impaired students. Liz explains how Bloom is empowering communities to create their own resources.


How AI is accelerating Bible translation

Most of us use AI in our everyday lives without thinking too much about it. What what actually is Artificial Intelligence? John Tan explains.


Chameleon: changing the future of Deaf Bible translation

Chameleon is a program that is bringing the gospel to the Deaf in a new way that protects the people involved by changing their appearance.  Discover more about how this ground-breaking technology is opening doors for Deaf Bible translation!


A Peter of all trades

Peter and Sally Tyson’s journey reads like an adventure novel, with many twists and turns along the way. Situations have not always gone according to plan and Peter’s role has continually changed over the years but he has been open to being used by God whenever a situation or need has arisen. Peter officially 'retired' after 25 years and we are grateful for the perseverance and grace of our ‘Peter of all trades’. 


A day at the SIL Clinic in Ukarumpa

Dr Carl Luther is getting ready for another day at the SIL clinic in Ukarumpa, in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea.


Access virtually unlimited: the digital revolution

You have probably heard, as I frequently do, ‘There’s an app for that’. Technology develops rapidly, and the changes that have happened in digital publishing over the last decade have been astonishing.


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...