
Steps to serving: A taste of Bible translation in Papua New Guinea

Last year, Helen Sahl and Eva McMaster led a group on a short-term trip to Papua New Guinea. They explain what the trip was about and the impact it has had on participants. 


Bible Translation in Australia

This new graph compiled by Australia Timor Leste Group (formerly AuSIL) displays the progress of Indigenous Australian Bible translations.


Transformed by the Word: The least of these

Lyn Wake considers what Jesus means in Matthew 25 to care for 'the least of these'. She encourages us to reflect God’s heart for loving those who feel forgotten and insignificant.


Silence is not always golden

If Deaf people can see, they can read the Bible, right? Not necessarily. Rebecca Thurrowgood explains why sign language translations of the Bible are important for helping Deaf communities engage with Scripture with the language they understand best.


The story behind the painting

What does this painting represent? Artist Meryl Sorenson painted it to celebrate the dedication of the Keley-i New Testament in the Philippines which her sister and brother-in-law were involved in translating in 1980. Discover more about the story behind the painting!


Tennis to translation

Wycliffe Bible Translators' new Personnel Manager, Belinda Fox, shares her story of how God called her into Bible translation following a conversation with a tennis opponent.


The silver lining of endurance

Kathy Cummins has been involved in a Bible translation project for the past 17 years. In that time, she and her husband Bruce have faced many trials. Kathy shares what it means to persevere throughout the difficult times and discover the 'silver linings' that come from enduring with the help of the Lord.


Celebrating with our Indonesian neighbours

There is a growing Bible Translation Movement (BTM) in Indonesia, with local translation organisations being established to train local translators for this important work. However, training and facilitation, and resourcing and technical expertise are all desperately needed. Wycliffe Australia CEO, Max Sahl, explains shares how the New Testament dedication in Ambon celebrates Wycliffe's partnership in the gospel with our Indonesian brothers and sisters.


Transformed by the Word: Loving our next-door neighbours

What does it truly look like to 'love your neighbour'? Lyn Wake takes a look at this famous command and suggests that the best way to love a neighbour is to reflect the love of Jesus.


Working hand in hand with the church

How does partnership with local churches support the work of Bible translation? Ibu Din shares what her experience has been like creating close relationships with church leaders to involve them in the translation process on the Ambonese Malay New Testament.


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...