Transformed by the Word: Be Still and Know

Lyn Wake explains why the discipline of stillness plays an important role in coming to know God more intimately and serving him with greater purpose.


Prayer coordination: the bridge that connects

Lindsay and Lola Fairhead have recently taken on the role of Prayer Coordinators for Wycliffe Australia. Lindsay shares about the importance of organising informed prayer to support the work of Bible translation throughout the world


Anchors in the storm

The disciple Luke tells two remarkable accounts of survival at sea in the face of a storm ...


Answers to a 'utopian' prayer

How do you revive a translation project when everything seems to keep getting stalled? David shares how prayer has opened up new possibilities that have brought new life to the Anmatyerr project in Central Australia.


Discovering new passions

I once thought linguistics was not my thing. I failed badly in Indonesian when I was in school and the sciences excited me more. But God changed my mind. Through a couple of service opportunities I was called on to interpret and translate programs into Indonesian.


Persevering in prayer

I have a particular calling to lead and teach women, and before coming to West Asia, God had always provided someone to be my ‘right-hand woman’ - someone who was mature in the faith with whom I could work. However, here in West Asia I have not had it so easy. Over the past three and a half years I have been running a women’s group that has fluctuated considerably in size.


Trusting God with your children

Our family has been living in a village in Vanuatu since 2003, supporting local translators to translate the Scriptures into one of the many local languages. Prayer and patience have gone hand-in-hand both with our family and the project. Our four children have all grown up here, but as they get older they need to return to their passport country for schooling.


Out of brokenness, God is doing something new…

In 2015 one of our two mother-tongue translators had to step down from the team due to a moral issue. This sent shock waves through our team and significantly slowed down our progress in translation as we supported this family. Many hours were spent listening to outpourings of pain, seeking good counsel and praying with and for our friends.


Partnership is like a lovely cuppa

Partnership in ministry work is like the perfect cuppa. Start with the tea leaves: God provides the desire and skills to be involved in the work. Add water: financial support makes the work ...


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...