Words of life

Wycliffe Australia CEO, Max Sahl, explains the power of Scripture to change lives, including how it has transformed his own life.


Advancing translations in Vanuatu

Wycliffe Australia's CEO Max Sahl gives an overview of the exciting progress taking place in Bible translation throughout the Pacific - particularly among the language groups of Vanuatu.


Stepping out in faith: First steps

What can you do if you feel called to serve God in a cross-cultural context but you're unsure of what's involved? Max explains how short-term trips can be a great way for people to learn more about Bible translation projects Wycliffe members are involved with by being immersed in the language and community of the people.


The God who sees me

Wycliffe Australia's CEO Max Sahl reflects on what it means to be seen by God. Be encouraged by his insights into a recent trip to a multilingual education (MLE) project that is giving hope and dignity to the Ngbaka community.


Our story in his story

Wycliffe Australia CEO, Max Sahl, reflects on the history of the Australian branch of Wycliffe Bible Translators. Discover how Robert Story's story reflects our story in God's story!


Celebrating with our Indonesian neighbours

There is a growing Bible Translation Movement (BTM) in Indonesia, with local translation organisations being established to train local translators for this important work. However, training and facilitation, and resourcing and technical expertise are all desperately needed. Wycliffe Australia CEO, Max Sahl, explains shares how the New Testament dedication in Ambon celebrates Wycliffe's partnership in the gospel with our Indonesian brothers and sisters.


Partnering in the Great Commission

Wycliffe Australia's CEO Max Sahl shares what it means to work together as the Body of Christ in partnership for the gospel.


 'Every nation, tribe, people and language' 

Wycliffe Australia CEO, Max Sahl, shares about why Wycliffe is so committed to supporting the needs of indigenous language communities so that people from 'every nation, tribe, people and language' can understand the life transforming power of the gospel in the language that speaks to their hearts.


Disrupted plans

Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia CEO, Max Sahl, uses the story of Paul and his fellow prisoners being shipwrecked in Acts 27:1–28:10 to explain how God is still in control and able to lead us in mighty ways, despite the disruptions and challenges we encounter.


Partnering in Bible translation for Indigenous Australian languages

By Max Sahl  |  Wycliffe Today Spring 2021 Wycliffe Australia is very proud of its members working in translation and Scripture engagement projects right here in Australia. In our own backyard, ...


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...