Transformed by the Word: Remembering God

By Lyn Wake | Wycliffe Today Autumn 2021 

In 2021, we pause to remember God and all he has done over the many years of Bible translation ministry in our country and throughout the world. Remembering God’s faithfulness is a major theme that keeps appearing throughout Scripture. Why? Because we have a great tendency to forget! 

In Deuteronomy 8, the people of God were told to REMEMBER the Lord and not forget his character and promises. They were commanded to keep remembering him by constantly declaring to all generations the stories of his great deliverance and his wonderful attributes. They were also asked to keep certain memorial ceremonies built into the rhythms of community life to protect them from forgetting God and his eternal covenant with them. 

The ancient Passover was the greatest of these remembrance feasts. Passover pointed forward to Jesus, the Lamb of God, who would deliver God’s children from slavery and death. During the Last Supper, Jesus turned this most significant remembrance symbol into a much deeper one as he established a beautiful and sacramental way to practically remember God and his merciful salvation plan.  

Passover was not only fulfilled in Jesus but transformed by him into a magnificent memorial. On the night of his betrayal, Jesus took the Passover bread, gave thanks, broke it, and offered it to his disciples, saying, ‘This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me’. Luke 22:19 (NIV)

The remembrance Jesus commands is not simply reflecting on his death and resurrection through a religious ceremony. Nor is it merely longing for the fulfillment of his glorious promises in the future. 

It is also an active, continual remembrance of God’s love for us here and now. Intentionally remembering God in the memorial of communion activates the liberating presence of Christ himself. This active and living remembrance of God provides a transformative means of abundant life with him right now as we keep remembering behind with thankfulness, and remembering ahead with hope. 

Be transformed by the Word as you engage with Psalm 106 and 1 Corinthians 11:2326.

Jessie’s journey: recognising God’s fingerprints

By Deb Fox  |  Wycliffe Today Autumn 2021

Jessie first heard about the work of Wycliffe through a friend in Australia and says it was ‘daunting to know that so many languages are still without a single verse of Scripture’. She was unsure of how to help the work of Bible translation until a pastor suggested that ‘helping someone else through prayer and financial support is just as important as serving on the mission field’. 

Reading news from the family she supported in Kenya made Jessie feel connected to the work they were doing. She looked forward to receiving their newsletters and decided she wanted to visit them to see the work for herself. Jessie did not have the money to fly overseas but an achievement award from her workplace provided the airfare and expenses necessary to cover the cost of the trip.

It was an eye-opening experience. Jessie found herself in a remote desert land with no roads or medical facilities. She witnessed the poverty and tribal wars that occurred on a regular basis. The safety and comforts she was accustomed to in her new home in Australia now seemed like a distant memory. Jessie shares:

Before I left, I read books about mission workers and imagined them with golden halos around their heads. Perfect people who had all the answers. I thought to myself, ‘I’m not a saint! I don’t have a halo. I’m not someone important. But this is important to God’.

Seeing real cross-cultural workers on the field helped Jessie realise that they are just ordinary people like her. Jessie’s experience led her to apply to serve as a Wycliffe member in the ‘area of most need’. Later, she found herself in the French-speaking area of Africa. Her time there cemented Jessie’s desire to support the Bible translation movement so she came back to Australia to get formal theological training.

Then Jessie received a call from her sister in Hong Kong with tragic news that their mum had suddenly gone into a coma. She rushed over to be by her mother’s side and recalls: ‘I felt so completely overwhelmed. I could not see what God was doing but now I can see his fingerprints on it all.’ 

Jessie stayed in Hong Kong to help care for her mother and her time there also enabled her to volunteer with The Journey program. She enjoyed helping people discover how they could use their unique gifts to serve God.

Jessie shared with her mother her desire to continue ministry in Australia. Sadly, only a week after Jessie left, her mum’s condition deteriorated and she passed away. Jessie was devastated but having her mother’s blessing spurred her on to continue the path set before her. 

Jessie’s time in Hong Kong helped prepare her for her current role as a representative for Wycliffe Australia’s NSW office among the Chinese diaspora in Australia. She is now a member of Wycliffe Australia and is passionate about connecting Chinese churches and leaders with mission opportunities, and encouraging others to use the unique skills God has given them to serve him. 

Jessie shares:

Mission is at the centre of the Father’s heart. It is my goal to help others realise that they are a part of this mission. We often feel like we have to be perfect, have everything in our life going perfectly or have the ‘right’ skills or qualifications to serve God. The truth is, we don’t have to worry too much about the details—we just need to be obedient to what the Lord calls us to do. Like a piece of blank paper, he writes his story on our lives. We need to trust that he will equip us and provide for our needs along the way. 

To support Jessie go to 

For more information about the next Journey Program, 


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...