Keyboard Developer

Do you have experience in data management or computer programming? SIL Global is seeking volunteer professional Keyboard Developers to help design keyboards for the world’s writing systems. You would be working with a collection of Keyman keyboards and be responsible for developing, reviewing, and approving keyboard layouts that are submitted to the Keyman repository.


  • convert non-Keyman keyboards into the Keyman format
  • review and approve keyboards submitted to the Keyman repository
  • document keyboard-related processes
  • help to maintain the Keyman GitHub repository
  • test keyboards as a member of a group of testers
  • synthesize and communicate needs and research
  • articulate design decisions
  • participate as an integral and enthusiastic part of the team, exhibiting ownership, follow-through, initiative, awareness, and effective communication with peers and management
  • work with the team around a cohesive product roadmap


  • experience in data management and, ideally, GitHub
  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent work experience is preferred, but we care more for a heart and mind that are always learning
  • sociolinguistic exposure and multicultural experience helpful
  • some biblical, language and culture training would be useful

Orientation and Training:

  • orientation workshops, held at our National Centre in Kangaroo Ground, Victoria
  • role-related training as required


Bible Teacher

We are looking for a Bible teacher who has the desire, commitment, and ability to teach grade 7-12 students, helping them develop their Bible knowledge and Christian walk. You would be joining the team at the Ukarumpa International School in Papua New Guinea.


  • instruct students in Scripture and exegesis, utilising education, experience and Bible knowledge
  • Lecture, demonstrate and creatively illustrate Biblical principles to class, using approved text books and study guides
  • prepare, administer and correct tests in accordance with school standards and procedures
  • understand and empathise with youth facing the adjustments of cross-cultural situations, and provide supportive activities and mature Christian counsel
  • encourage understanding of cultural differences
  • discuss pupils’ academic and behavioural performance with parents, recommending action when necessary, and providing guidance in choice of elective subjects.


  • valid teaching certificate
  • minimum of 1 year teaching experience
  • a theological/Bible college qualification


  • some type of language and culture training course would be helpful
  • orientation workshops, held at our National Centre in Kangaroo Ground, Victoria


Digital Content Manager

Looking for a way to use your skills and experience in IT, web design, digital marketing and social media to help spread awareness for Bible translation? We need someone to help with creating, improving and maintaining a range of digital content to help the organisation achieve its goals. It will be your duty to create high quality, sharable content to raise brand awareness, as well as monitor web traffic and other metrics to identify best practices. This role will be working with teams based in Dili, Timor-Leste.


  • typeset translated Scriptures
  • design book covers
  • design music labels
  • design language resources
  • design promotional material
  • monitor online presence


  • Bachelor degree or experience in marketing, computer science, maths, statistics and/or business
  • OR an equivalent combination of education, training and experience
  • English fluency of at least 5.0 IELTS


  • minimum of one year (or equivalent) at Bible college
  • four weeks’ language and culture training called Launch


  • orientation workshops, held at our National Centre in Kangaroo Ground, Victoria
  • on-field cultural orientation


Scripture – Church Engagement Specialists

How has the Bible transformed your life? Would you like to help other people engage more deeply with God’s Word? We are looking for people to come alongside churches and communities in Dili, Timor Leste, to encourage people to use the Scripture and biblical resources available in their language. This could include helping them to increase their ability to read portions of vernacular Scripture, working alongside local church leaders, translators and staff members.


  • discipleship
  • workshops
  • material production
  • training


  • Bachelor’s degree
  • minimum of one year (or equivalent) at Bible college


  • One year at SIL Australia
  • English fluency of at least 5.0 IELTS


  • orientation workshops, held at our National Centre in Kangaroo Ground, Victoria
  • on-field cultural orientation

Bible Translation Advisers – Timor Leste

As a Bible translation adviser, you’ll work with a team of mother-tongue speakers based in Dili, Timor-Leste and other linguists to produce Scripture translations in a minority language (or cluster of languages) that are accurate, clear and speak to the heart of an entire people group.


  • exegesis
  • translation training
  • support with drafting
  • facilitation of community testing
  • linguistic analysis, possibly including orthography revision
  • project management
  • liaising with stakeholders
  • coordinating publication
  • capacity development of the translation team and local institution to continue translation and assume responsibility for the future of their translation project


  • theological degree
  • four weeks’ language and culture training called Launch
  • one year of training with SIL
  • English fluency of at least 5.0 IELTS


  • orientation workshops, held at our National Centre in Kangaroo Ground, Victoria
  • on-field cultural orientation

National Trainee Consultant Study Tour

Project 8395

Translation consultants who have never visited Israel, and never seen first-hand the sites common to the original readers of the Scriptures, are at a distinct disadvantage when it comes to checking Bible translation.  The Wycliffe Australia Israel Study Tour gives an opportunity for Bible translation consultants and consultants-in-training to visit many sites in Israel where Old Testament and New Testament events occurred, and to meet other mother-tongue translators studying Hebrew in Jerusalem in preparation to translate the Old Testament into their own languages. The cost for each student will be approximately $7,400 (depending on airfares). Approximately 50% of this funding is provided by the African and South Asian organisations from which the translation trainees are coming. This funding covers all their expenses in Israel: travel, accommodation, food, entry to National Parks and the costs of an experienced tour guide.

Audio Bibles

Project 8160

Audio Bibles are handheld devices that have had the Bible recorded onto them in audio format. That is, someone is recorded reading the Bible in the targeted language and this can then be played back by the listener/s over and over. Audio Bibles (or Megavoice units) are a relatively cheap and very effective means of making the Bible available to people, particularly to those who cannot read or are vision impaired.

Wycliffe has helped to provide audio Bibles to a diverse range of  language communities in places such as Mexico, Russia, PNG, Australia, and very recently Madagascar and Mozambique. Sometimes our own Wycliffe Australia personnel initiate efforts to make audio Bibles available for the languages they are working with, and sometimes we receive requests for assistance from other Christian organisations trying to provide audio Bibles to (often minority) language groups. Either way, we are keen to support these efforts as they can give marginalised people access to God’s Word. This project has been set up to raise funds to support audio Bible recording and distribution, wherever that need may be.

Target: $15,000/year

Translation Consultant Development

 Project 8807

Bible translation is being conducted more and more by local translators, in all parts of the world. This is a trend that Wycliffe Australia is very keen to support as it gives ownership of the translation process to the people groups who desire, and will use, the Scriptures in their own languages. Trained translation consultants are critical to the translation process as they support mother-tongue translators to produce quality, accurate and culturally appropriate Bible translations. Unfortunately, there is a growing worldwide shortage of trained Bible translation consultants to assist local mother-tongue translators. The need for an effective pathway to develop more trainers, advisors and consultants to support these translation projects has never been more urgent.

There are numerous organisations, along with Wycliffe Australia, that are addressing the need to train more Translation Consultants. Wycliffe Australia is committed to supporting these efforts, both at home with our members, and across the globe. To do so, we need support from generous Christians who share our passion for training more Translation Consultants so that they can then support the locally run translation projects around the world.

Partner with us

Our partnership target for 2024 is AU$22,222.20

If we receive extra funds, this will go towards the following year’s target.

Wycliffe Relief & Development Foundation


The Wycliffe Relief and Development Foundation was recently formed to receive tax-deductible gifts and donations for various types of relief including medical assistance and disaster aid. This relief aid will be directed to needy overseas communities where Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia or its partners work.

Wycliffe is happy to recommend our partner organisation Wycliffe Relief and Development Foundation for those wanting to give a tax-deductible gift.

Visit us at

Overseas Aid and Development Fund

Project 8935

Tax-deductible gifts may be made to the SILA Overseas Aid and Development Fund for approved overseas aid and development programs. The OADF provides funding for language development projects in a range of countries. The projects are approved and registered under the auspices of World Relief Australia (WRA). SILA partners with WRA by acting as its agent for fundraising and the delivery of relief and development projects. SILA is a signatory to the WRA Code of Conduct.

Wycliffe is happy to recommend our partner organisation SIL Australia for those wanting to give a tax-deductible gift.

Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...