

Wycliffe Australia's CEO Max Sahl explains why God cares that EVERY person in the world gets the chance to hear his Word in the language they understand best.


Bloom: opening up new opportunities for the blind and vision impaired

How can learning resources be created for disadvantaged people groups in poor communities? Bloom Reader is a tool that has enabled Resources for the Blind in the Philippines to create interactive books for blind and vision impaired students. Liz explains how Bloom is empowering communities to create their own resources.


Unlocking hope through prison ministry

The PEV is a translation that allows Indigenous people to read God’s Word in a format they can understand. Discover how it is being used in prisons to unlock hope through the power of the gospel!


How AI is accelerating Bible translation

Most of us use AI in our everyday lives without thinking too much about it. What what actually is Artificial Intelligence? John Tan explains.


Chameleon: changing the future of Deaf Bible translation

Chameleon is a program that is bringing the gospel to the Deaf in a new way that protects the people involved by changing their appearance.  Discover more about how this ground-breaking technology is opening doors for Deaf Bible translation!


The fruit of perseverance

What do you say to a group of young people who are just taking their first steps on the journey of Bible translation? Wycliffe Australia's CEO Max Sahl shares how he encouraged translators in South Asia to persevere.


Let us run, run, run the race

When a young lady from the peace corps was assigned to the village in Chad where Elly Sharp's team was translating the New Testament, she asked her ‘What makes you stay?’ Read Elly's encouraging reflections on the goal that kept her and her family going during very difficult times.


Is it worth it? What motivates mother-tongue translators?

What motivates mother-tongue translators who often leave their families and friends, face persecution and many years of difficult work? These are some stories of people from South Asia to inspire you ...


Stitches in time

How does a family celebrate 45 years of memories in a single trip? Discover what made this recent Bible dedication so special.


Motivated by Pastor Korah and Grandma Sese 

Translation projects take time and perseverance. Discover how a local pastor and a devoted grandmother motivated Ross and Lyndal and their team to complete the Baki New Testament translation.


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...