
Trusting God in a world of suffering and uncertainty

What does it look like to trust that God is ‘in control’ of a world in pain? Susanna Baldwin works with the Australian Society for Indigenous Languages (AuSIL) in the north of Australia. She shares about the unexpected ways God has used some of the difficulties she has faced in recent years to use her situation for his glory and learn how to comfort others in their pain.


Bibles and backpackers in the Outback

Last year, the Anmatyerr Mini Bible was published with the help of The Bible Society and dedicated in four communities. The Mini Bible dedication opened opportunities for Anmatyerr people to engage with Scripture . . . and connect with other people in the community in unexpected ways.


Partnership development in a world of uncertainty

Paul and Nicola Mangohig are Wycliffe Australia members preparing to head to Vanuatu to work with SIL in a translation, Scripture engagement and community development project. The Mangohigs moved to Darwin in 2020 to be closer to Paul’s family. While they continue working, they have also started raising financial and prayer support, and raising an energetic toddler. Discover what it looks like for this young family to prepare for the work God has called them to in the face of change and uncertainty.


Partnering in Bible translation for Indigenous Australian languages

By Max Sahl  |  Wycliffe Today Spring 2021 Wycliffe Australia is very proud of its members working in translation and Scripture engagement projects right here in Australia. In our own backyard, ...


Diamonds in the rough

As we celebrate the diamond anniversary of AuSIL this year, Lyn Wake reflects on the type of gems that really do last forever - gems found in the Bible. Much like raw diamonds, there are priceless jewels in God’s Word, always there for us to uncover if we become ‘spiritual miners’.


Preserving culture through ethnoarts

Lucy has years of experience in ‘ethnoarts’: ethnic arts that are empowering local language communities to create visual art, music, dance and drama representations of Scripture in a culturally-relevant way. 


Always learning: the changing landscape of Indigenous translation

David Blackman has been working with Alyawarr speakers of Central Australia for almost 30 years. We caught up with David to find out what he has discovered during that time.


Called North

What are some of the adjustments involved in cross-cultural work? AuSIL Publicist, Melody Kube, shares some of the insights she has discovered after living in the Northern Hemisphere and in the Northern Territory.


Nobody else has a message like that

Working alongside local translators has shown the AuSIL team involved with the PEV translation how much God's Word has the power to transform lives when it is communicated in a clear and effective way. Kathy Dadd explains more.


The one who calls you is faithful

At certain times in our lives, God calls us to do (or surrender) something for him that requires a large measure of faith. Wycliffe Australia CEO, Max Sahl, explains why we need to hold fast to the words that 'the one who calls you is faithful' (1 Thess 5:24).


Thanks for your patience...

Waiting is hard, isn't it. But imagine waiting 2000 years for Scripture in your language! Thanks for your patience. And thanks for your generous support which will help bring the long wait to an end...